Category Archives: On the Road

On the Road: High School Students <3 Volunteering

This past weekend, I had the cool opportunity to volunteer alongside a dozen high school students who participated in our student ministries’ annual 30Hour Fast. On Saturday of the event, over 120 middle and high school students and their leaders were turned out into the community to help local charities, camps, and other non-profits who serve the Scranton area.

We feel like our group hit the jackpot of service projects! Our group was assigned to help our local Children’s Advocacy Center with a fundraiser they were holding to raise donations for and awareness of the services they provide. The women who organized the event were incredible leaders of volunteers. They met our group at the door and explained the purpose of the fundraiser. They then asked questions about what the students enjoy, so they could plug them into roles they would excel in and have a blast doing! Some of our students who are into sports helped with a football toss. Those who enjoy art helped at an arts and crafts table. The friendlier of our bunch were placed at the door to welcome and provide direction to guests.

I couldn’t help noticing that the students I was serving alongside felt valued. They respected the event organizer and felt comfortable asking questions to help prepare them for their volunteer roles. They were given t-shirts that even said VOLUNTEER across the back. As the group was checking out their cool blue t-shirts in the mirror, one student exclaimed, “I feel so important!”

Our group would like to say a big thank you to Children’s Advocacy Center for modeling what it looks like to mobilize others in fulfilling a bigger purpose. It is a good feeling to watch the next generation fall in love with volunteering.


Why Would 100 Busy Execs…


That’s the question we asked of the people who attended our trainings in Dubai where we were told to expect a turnout of approximately 50.  These were hard working professionals, many of which have families and demanding schedules.  It wasn’t from boredom or a lack of options.  Dubai is a beautiful city with so much to see and do!  The resounding and repetitive answer that we received was that the trainings were FUN and were impacting their entire lives…who they are at home as a spouse and parent, who they are as a co-worker or supervisor and most importantly, who they are as a follower of Christ.

They came because they wanted to learn how to be more effective in their volunteer role but they stayed for 3 hours and came back for three more trainings in that same week because we were adding value to their whole lives.

It’s so important that we remember that our volunteers are whole people.  They are so much more then the role they fill for our organization.  They are body, soul and spirit.  They’re spouses, parents, business owners, co-workers, friends, and all trying to find their way on their journey to follow Christ!

So, here’s the take-away…before you meet with your volunteers again, besides asking yourself the obvious question, “How can I better equip my them to fill their role in our organization?” try asking yourself the following questions:

“How can I help them to have deeper intimacy with Jesus?”

“How can I help them build and strengthen relationships with family and  fellow believers?” and finally, “How am I equipping them to have more influence with people far from God in their daily lives…co-workers, neighbors and friends?”

And lastly, but so very, very important, “Am I making it FUN?”  Please remember that most of your volunteers already have a job and they probably don’t want another one!  So, make it FUN and add value to their whole lives!  That’s how you retain quality volunteers!  Why would they go anywhere else?  It takes a little time and a lot of intention, but it’s so worth it!!!   That’s how you STOP RECRUITING AND START RETAINING!!!  In the end, it’s a lot less work to keep a volunteer then to continually recruit and train new ones!

Orange Tour Breakout

Wow, that was fun! I just returned from hanging out with hundreds of church leaders and volunteers at an Orange Tour stop in Pennsylvania. I had the opportunity to lead a breakout on volunteerism and present The Volunteer Project’s vision of volunteer retention trumping volunteer recruitment. Afterwards I was able to chat with John, a ministry leader who attended the breakout. John’s observations are threaded below in italics.

The breakout was focused around this bottom line: Volunteers who thrive, remain, and recruit other volunteers experience the leadership commitments of Significance, Support, Community, and Empowerment.

Significance: The power to produce a desired result or effect. The ability to bring about positive change for clients.

The win is hearing: “I’m making a difference!” or “I love making a difference!

Stop recruiting and start retaining. Simple (to say, not in practice) and easy to remember and very powerful. As I’ve been reworking things at my church I’ve been trying to switch the language from Desperation to Privilege when it comes to serving. This seems to come from the same wheelhouse. Also fits with the significance point vs. duty point.

Support: To give help or assistance and to provide all that is needed to be successful in the role.

The win is hearing: “I’ve got what I need!” or “I’ve got what I need and I feel valued!

Community: To experience the feeling of being accepted and valued to by other people. To develop new and meaningful friendships.

The win is hearing: “I belong here!” or “I’ve got friends here!

I had never thought about the specifics you brought up on the importance of community. I know the importance of community of a team but I didn’t think about people joining for the purpose of having community and making friends. I feel like sometimes I have to convince my volunteers to be in community with each other.

Empowerment: To give power to an individual so they are free to make a difference.

The win is hearing: “I feel empowered to…” or “I’m trusted and have freedom to invest my best.

Great thoughts on empowerment. I love the idea of having freedom within a strong and clear mission and vision. I was actually just dealing with some of this on Sunday with one of my stronger volunteers in kids ministry. A win I recently had in this category was having my Youth Min small group leaders write out 3 goals for themselves for this semester. There were only 3 rules: they couldn’t be too easy, they couldn’t be too hard, and they had to fit within the Family Ministry vision. As I’ve watched them this semester they have been more motivated to achieve the goals that they set for themselves. It’s given some of them new energy.

A big thank you to our friends at Orange for the opportunity to invest in those who lead volunteers, and to John for taking the time to stop and chat!


Coaching in Dubai (Part 5)

GatewayFUNLast night we wrapped our training sessions with Family Ministries volunteers from Gateway Church. Over the week together we covered things like Orange philosophy, being present, establishing ongoing connections with kids and parents, and the role of the church in the life of a family.

For our final session, we played. All week we sensed that Gateway’s volunteers are good natured and full of fun, but they rose above and beyond our expectations! Eighty adults were running around the room, screaming with delight, escaping aliens, imagining monsters, and cramming twenty people on a 25 x 30 inch life raft.

After lots of laughter and nonsense, the group watched Reggie Joiner’s session on FUN from the Playing for Keeps training resource, in which he says, “It’s ok to have fun for fun’s sake. The best way to play for keeps is to actually play.


Fun over time equals connection, and last night leaders focused on how fun could change their small groups, their sharing of Truth, and their families. Darren, Becky, Christine and I are thankful for the fun and love shown to us this week. We have laughed and cried as stories have been shared, and are grateful for our time spent with the wider Gateway family.

This blog post is part of a week-long series from an Orange Coaching team partnering with Gateway Church in Dubai. The team is comprised of the following church ministry specialists: Darren Kizer (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester) , Becky Kizer (Orange Specialist), Christine Kreisher (GT Church), and Stephanie Whitacre (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester).

Coaching in Dubai (Part 4)

GatewayKidsWalking into the large group room of Blast Kids this morning felt like a familiar experience. Tons of laughter. Adult leaders in silly costumes. Colorful posters describing the monthly life app (Courage: Being brave enough to do what you should do, even when you are scared). As someone on staff at a church who thinks Orange and uses 252 Basics, these are things I see every Sunday morning. Only this morning something was a little different…

Today was Friday. Kids should be in school on Friday. And did James the storyteller have a British accent? And what about that miniature Pharoah – is he of Indian descent? Suddenly I remember I am not in Pennsylvania, but in Dubai at Gateway Church. What I love most is that the kids in this room right now, are hearing the very same Truth that kids will here in my home town on Sunday! A wiggly 8 year old Moses will be crossing the Red Sea while a miniature Pharoah chases him. In Dubai this morning, and in Pennsylvania on Sunday, children will learn they can be brave even when things seem impossible.


Before we left on this trip, friends would ask me what could possibly connect me to Dubai. The simple answer is this: The Church and Family. As children learned upstairs, their parents sat in Gateway’s weekly service and heard from Darren and Christine as they cast vision for families and church leaders to partner together. All week long, a mission has continually surfaced that Gateway become known as a church that loves and supports families. A mission like that is what connects me and our entire team to Dubai. That’s thinking Orange.

This blog post is part of a week-long series from an Orange Coaching team partnering with Gateway Church in Dubai. The team is comprised of the following church ministry specialists: Darren Kizer (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester) , Becky Kizer (Orange Specialist), Christine Kreisher (GT Church), and Stephanie Whitacre (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester).

Coaching in Dubai (Part 3)

The average unchurched parent doesn’t lie awake at night wondering what some senior pastor is going to talk about next…but they do lie awake some nights wondering whether their kids are going to be all right.” – Carey Nieuwhof (

Yesterday we had the opportunity to join the leadership and elders of Gateway Church in their morning staff meeting and a special dinner in the evening. Several in the room are fresh back from a trip to India, and had incredible stories to share of how God is working in Mumbai and the surrounding regions. The leaders at Gateway are excited about the diversity they experience each Sunday at Gateway, and how they are positioned to impact further than the Dubai city limits.

Dubai.leadershipEarlier this week during volunteer training, Christine paraphrased Carey Nieuwhof in saying the unchurched parent doesn’t lie awake at night wondering what the pastor down the road will preach this weekend; but they do lie awake wondering if their kid will be okay. This idea was brought up again in staff meeting by one of the elders who had been in attendance at the training, and was met as an “ah-ha” moment among the rest of the team.

As the thought settled in, one of the elders exclaimed, “That’s just like Jairus! He would not have come see Jesus on his own, but he would for his daughter!” Found in Mark 5, Jairus was constrained from following Jesus by his role as a synagogue ruler. But when his twelve year old daughter falls ill and dies, Jairus was motivated by the need within his family, and pursues Jesus even in a large crowd.

Last night at dinner, our team sat in an Arabic-style home, woven among the Gateway leadership, and talked about the church’s opportunity to become a place famous for loving broken families and making an invisible God visible. A day will come in the near future when parents in Dubai will say, “I don’t know what that church is preaching about this Sunday. But I know they love my kids, so I’m going to go find out.”

This blog post is part of a week-long series from an Orange Coaching team partnering with Gateway Church in Dubai. The team is comprised of the following church ministry specialists: Darren Kizer (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester) , Becky Kizer (Orange Specialist), Christine Kreisher (GT Church), and Stephanie Whitacre (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester).

Coaching in Dubai (Part 2)

burjkhalifaThe Burj Khalifa is the tallest man made structure in the world. At a vertigo-inducing 2,722 feet, it more than doubles the size of The Empire State Building. Located in the heart of Dubai, an observation deck 124 floors up was the perfect place for our team to begin the day. Dubai is a beautiful city – from a bird’s eye view to the intricate details. Food is eloquently prepared, the architecture is completed by skilled craftsmen, and even the metro system is immaculate (how many large cities can say THAT of their public transportation?).

For all that impresses us about Dubai, the people are what stand out the most. Polite and kind, we have been met with friendliness in every shop, every restaurant, and of course, every meeting with Family Ministries volunteers who serve at Gateway Church. The families in Dubai are unique because due to various government regulations, few actually plan to settle down and spend the rest of their lives in Dubai. Many come for a time, but know there will be a day when it is time for their family to move on to another home in a place like Canada, the UK, or Australia.

The transient nature of Dubai made tonight’s volunteer session paramount: time. When you see how muchtime you have left, you tend to do more with the time you have now. Christine wove this theme together with the FISH! philosophy of Being Present. 

Dubai 9.23 02

“I’m pouring into this [preschool-aged] child right now because I believe that something will happen in their heart and in ten years they will be kind, considerate, and on fire for Jesus… All because I was fully present.” 

And because we know that what happens at home is more important than what happens at church, Darren introduced the concept of 40 vs. 3,000 and how to make the most of the time we have in our weekend gatherings to Incite WonderProvoke Discovery, and Fuel Passion in the heart of every child. One of the questions volunteers have been asking is, “How do we know if we are doing it right? How do we know it’s making a difference?” Alongside each idea, Darren introduced a word to look for that exemplifies what Wonder, Discovery, and Passion may sound like.

  • Wonder may sound like “REALLY!? God made me!? God loves me!? Jesus wants to be my friend!?”
  • Discovery may sound like “COOL! If I’m created and crafted by God, then I’m created and crafted by God to do something nobody else can do!”
  • Passion may sound like “YES! I will be a part of ending that injustice. I will volunteer my time to help others. I will write a big story for my life.”

In a world where time moves quickly, our friends at Gateway Church are refreshing. Every weekend, they take the time to slow down and invest in the lives of children in a city where most families are “just staying a little while.” In a place where time is counting down, they know how to make the time count.

This blog post is part of a week-long series from an Orange Coaching team partnering with Gateway Church in Dubai. The team is comprised of the following church ministry specialists: Darren Kizer (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester) , Becky Kizer (Orange Specialist), Christine Kreisher (GT Church), and Stephanie Whitacre (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester).

Coaching in Dubai (Part 1)

Dubai03Last night we had our first session with the Family Ministries volunteers of Gateway Church in Dubai. They packed a meeting room of the Dubai Community Theatre & Arts Center. A recent partner with Orange, they were excited to share their stories and discover more about how to make First Look and 252 Basics curriculum work better in their setting.

As a portable church, the leaders and volunteers at Gateway are rock stars at making their children’s environments engaging and fun each week! Families gather on Friday mornings (the weekend in Dubai is Friday and Saturday) in a hotel lobby to check their children into conference rooms that have been transformed into colorful places for kids to worship God, hang with their small groups and leaders, and do hands on activities that reinforce that week’s bottom line.

Going into last night’s session, our team knew we wanted to open the week together by saying YOU’RE AMAZING! A theme of affirmation was woven throughout the evening through the sharing of stories, overview of the FISH! Philosophy, and Orange-focused breakouts with small and large group leaders.

This morning, one of the volunteers who joined us last night, sent this e-mail to her team leader:

Thanks for organizing Orange. It really ties into Gateway’s vision and personally to me it is going to change my life forever.

I think doing family well is so important, but the amazing thing is that I think about impacting my workplace with what I have learned today!

So I just wanna say a BIG THANK YOU for your love, effort, organization and the execution of your vision to change and build a healthy community!

Great things are happening here in Dubai, and we’re excited to see how Orange is impacting churches and families across the globe!

This blog post is part of a week-long series from an Orange Coaching team partnering with Gateway Church in Dubai. The team is comprised of the following church ministry specialists: Darren Kizer (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester) , Becky Kizer (Orange Specialist), Christine Kreisher (GT Church), and Stephanie Whitacre (Parker Hill Community Church, 1Semester).