On the Road: High School Students <3 Volunteering

This past weekend, I had the cool opportunity to volunteer alongside a dozen high school students who participated in our student ministries’ annual 30Hour Fast. On Saturday of the event, over 120 middle and high school students and their leaders were turned out into the community to help local charities, camps, and other non-profits who serve the Scranton area.

We feel like our group hit the jackpot of service projects! Our group was assigned to help our local Children’s Advocacy Center with a fundraiser they were holding to raise donations for and awareness of the services they provide. The women who organized the event were incredible leaders of volunteers. They met our group at the door and explained the purpose of the fundraiser. They then asked questions about what the students enjoy, so they could plug them into roles they would excel in and have a blast doing! Some of our students who are into sports helped with a football toss. Those who enjoy art helped at an arts and crafts table. The friendlier of our bunch were placed at the door to welcome and provide direction to guests.

I couldn’t help noticing that the students I was serving alongside felt valued. They respected the event organizer and felt comfortable asking questions to help prepare them for their volunteer roles. They were given t-shirts that even said VOLUNTEER across the back. As the group was checking out their cool blue t-shirts in the mirror, one student exclaimed, “I feel so important!”

Our group would like to say a big thank you to Children’s Advocacy Center for modeling what it looks like to mobilize others in fulfilling a bigger purpose. It is a good feeling to watch the next generation fall in love with volunteering.
